Really damn tired
This week totally blew me off
Damn busy
Damn freaking busy
Lets start with FUTSAL
tonight gonna be my four game for this
It's not we want to play very badly
But then whenever there is other team ask to fight or maybe play is more suitable in this case maybe haha
My team is hard to refuse
or maybe we all born with soft heart haha
So we play as long we can
But then futsal is quite fun you know for boys especially
So second
I hate to tell you how hard to go there without passport
So i advice you all
Please make your own personal passport
Its really worthy although is expensive
For my trip to singapore
I didnt use my personal passport because i left out it in my house
Fool me -___-"
So i need to make group passport
Its take 3 days to finish this group passport
But what was really annoying is i need to wake up really early 6.15 am
My eyes so sleepy
Really tired
Just finished playing futsal btw
Night guys!
Again sorry for my english
Tegur eyh salah n silap
Saya tau banyak salah dan silap hehe