

-3 days lesson-

dont how to start and where to start
all this started this very weekend

when u have a problem or something tak puas hati just tell him or her
dont expect dia faham dengan apa yang korang maksudkan
seriously terus bagitau
daripada terus korang memandai mandai fikir
banyak kesimpulan yg salah korang akan buat nanti
tak kisah korang nak fikir si dia menipu or what the fuck he is telling about
just listen
korang tak rugi apa apa pun
lepas tu ikut korang la nak percaya ke tidak
if u dont tell him or her sooner or later
u might torture him or her the way she dont deserved
u might enjoy it till u know the truth

:: respect others bila seseorang cerita masalah ::
seriously if telinga korang tak boleh dengar
just bagitau terus
jangan suruh cerita
dont do that

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